Are you burning with curiosity? Feel welcome and review the available Aisha & Friends educational tools below.
Some of our tools are distributed as freeware, accessible for everyone. Feel free to download when they are applicable in your situation. Tools which are part of the Aisha & Friends teaching methods are exclusively accessible for registered partners.
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Wash your hands
Flyer Freeware – English version. Wash your hands and be proud! Explains kids the HOW and WHY about how to wash your hands. Free to be downloaded by local NGO’s to support their health campaigns. ‘Wash your hands properly and be healthy and happy!’

Aisha in Hospital
Booklet – What a launch this was! The booklet Aisha in Hospital has been published as a tool to prepare children for medical procedures and to make exciting situations in the hospital discussable in a playful way. A number of hospital moments are illustrated in the book which, with the accompanying manual, is available for nurses, doctors and parents. Training courses for care providers are available based on the booklet. The ‘Aisha in Hospital’ method can be requested for hospitals in Tanzania and Kenia.

Toothbrushing Kiswahili
Flyer Freeware – Kiswahili version. Brush and be proud! Explains kids the HOW and WHY about Toothbrushing. Describes the relevance of healthy food. Free to be downloaded by local NGO’s to support their health campaigns. ‘Brush your teeth properly and be healthy and happy!’

Flyer Freeware – English version. Brush and be proud! Explains kids the HOW and WHY about Toothbrushing. Describes the relevance of healthy food. Free to be downloaded by local NGO’s to support their health campaigns. ‘Brush your teeth properly and be healthy and happy!’

Aisha, how do you feel?
Booklet – Element of a widely deployable teaching method for primary school agers. Based on the four basic emotions (happy, angry, sad and scared) a practical teaching method is developed. The topic of emotions is addressed in a playful way with creative exercises and colorful illustrations. In addition a toolkit (posters, games, hand puppet) is available as well as an extensive trainer instruction. Connect with us on to gain more information about this teaching method (and to create access to all documents).

Uthawe ndi Kampaha ife toto kachirombo korona
Booklet – Chichewa version. How to explain young kids about the Coronavirus? The booklet addresses the insecurity and excitement of children, whilst teaching how to behave to avoid further contamination simultaneously.

Kundai na Taku vari kutamba panze
Booklet – Chishona version. How to explain young kids about the Coronavirus? The booklet addresses the insecurity and excitement of children, whilst teaching how to behave to avoid further contamination simultaneously.

Aisha and Moses strong against coronavirus
Booklet – English version. How to explain young kids about the Coronavirus? The booklet addresses the insecurity and excitement of children, whilst teaching how to behave to avoid further contamination simultaneously.

Aisha pamja na Moses imara dhidi ya virusi vya corona
Booklet – Kiswahili version. How to explain young kids about the Coronavirus? The booklet addresses the insecurity and excitement of children, whilst teaching how to behave to avoid further contamination simultaneously.

Aisha en Moses samen sterk tegen het coronavirus
Booklet – Dutch version. How to explain young kids about the Coronavirus? The booklet addresses the insecurity and excitement of children, whilst teaching how to behave to avoid further contamination simultaneously.