Aisha – Speak Up Training

With enthusiasm we will start developing a Life Skills training for (future) teachers and pupils of the Makonjemare Primary School, Kilifi Kenia. Based on the clearly defined needs of the local partner Jacqueline Jumbe Kahura LIBA and Ingrid Vink from Learn! Foundation, we will build the program in close cooperation. A teacher training and awareness project will be a crucial part of the program, as we aim for a sustainable result over the years. The program will contain creative work sessions and other materials for all relevant levels of maturity. As in all our programs Aisha will appear as a role model where applicable. This program will be a pilot to be extended to more schools when successful. 

Project objective
– Building confidence and skills to ‘speak up’ – Primary School children
– Develop teaching materials, training and mobilize teachers.
– Pilot phase focus on 4 schools (2000 pupils) in Kilifi area Kenya.
– Train the Teacher approach via Local LIBA organization

Status July 1st 2021
Initiation and preparation phase closed
Start execution: July 2021 onwards
Train the teacher: start September 2021
Train the pupils: from October 2021 onwards

Financial status
Funding pilot phase 100% complete
